做空白糖波动率策略范例Short Sugar Vola ,博易量化
# coding:utf-8
#!/usr/bin/env python
from PoboAPI import *
import datetime
#用poboquant python实现,在poboquant上运行,请关注A期客网www.a-qike.com ,更多程序化源码代下载。
#short sugar price volatility, like you believe that sugar will range move in 5000 to 6000,no break out in either way
def OnStart(context) :
print "system starting..."
g.code1 = "SR901C6000.CZCE"
g.code2 = "SR901P5000.CZCE"
SubscribeBar(g.code1, BarType.Day)
SubscribeBar(g.code2, BarType.Day)
context.myacc = None
if context.accounts.has_key("回测期货") :
print "登录交易账号[回测期货]"
if context.accounts["回测期货"].Login() :
context.myacc = context.accounts["回测期货"]
def OnQuote(context, code) :
# if code != g.code1 :
# return
# if code != g.code2 :
# return
dyndata1 = GetQuote(g.code1)
dyndata2 = GetQuote(g.code2)
if dyndata1 and dyndata2 :
now1 = dyndata1.now
now2 = dyndata2.now
log.info("SR901C6000最新价1: " + str(dyndata1.now))
log.info("SR901P5000最新价2: " + str(dyndata2.now))
klinedata1 = GetHisData(g.code1, BarType.Day)
klinedata2 = GetHisData(g.code2, BarType.Day)
if len(klinedata1) > 0 and len(klinedata2) > 0 :
lastsum = klinedata1[-1].close + klinedata2[-1].close #期权价格之和
log.info("最新价格和: " + str(lastsum))
bal = context.myacc.AccountBalance
pos = context.myacc.GetPositions()
print "持仓合约数: "+str(poslength)
if len(klinedata1) > 1 and len(klinedata2) > 1 and lastsum>200 and context.myacc and posmargin<100000 :
# 两个期权价格之和大于200就同时卖出
print "buy open the spread "+str(lastsum)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code1, BSType.SellOpen, dyndata1.now, 10)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code2, BSType.SellOpen, dyndata2.now, 10)
if len(klinedata1) > 1 and len(klinedata2) > 1 and lastsum<50 and poslength>0 and context.myacc :
# 两个期权价格之和小于50就同时买平
print "sell close the spread,take profit "+str(lastsum)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code1, BSType.BuyClose, dyndata1.now, 10)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code2, BSType.BuyClose, dyndata2.now, 10)
if len(klinedata1) > 1 and len(klinedata2) > 1 and lastsum>250 and poslength>0 and context.myacc :
# 两个期权价格之和大于250就同时买平,止损
print "sell close the spread,cut loss "+str(lastsum)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code1, BSType.BuyClose, dyndata1.now, 10)
context.myacc.InsertOrder(g.code2, BSType.BuyClose, dyndata2.now, 10)
def OnOrderChange(context, AccountName, order) :
print "委托编号: " + order.id + " 账号名称: " + AccountName
print "Vol: " + str(order.volume) + " Price: " + str(order.price)
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